Welcome to East Brentwood Presbyterian Church
February 23, 2025 (10:00 a.m.)
East Brentwood Presbyterian Church (Metro Nashville)
Music has a unique ability to heal and transform brokenness—both personal and collective. Brokenness doesn't disqualify one from experiencing beauty and growth. Just as a broken instrument can still produce powerful music, individuals can still create beauty and find purpose through their healing journey, even if they feel fractured or imperfect. Music director Nate Strasser leads today’s service of liturgy and music. In person and Livestreaming @EastBrentwoodPC and on our YouTube Channel.
To give to the ministry of the church: Ways to Give. Link to the bulletin
"Seasons of Hope" (A film prepared by Owen Coulam, EBPC Youth Elder)
Community service & mission outreach are our passions.
“I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord.”
—Jeremiah 1:8
Music, Word, Hope & Prayer Podcast
Beautifully Broken: Pastor John’s interactive sermon with Robert Tyler.
Robert made for a great conversation partner for our series Beautifully Broken on caregiving as we were looking at caregiving when it comes to our fellow human beings. Using the call of the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-8), we talked about what prophets have to say when it comes to our caring for our neighbor. Robert shares about the grounding of scripture to inform our speech; about those prophetic moments that have inspired him from Martin Luther King, Jr. to Bishop Marianne Edgar Budde; and, how now is the time for all of us to speak with courage. Music: ”Stand by Me” by Charles Tindley and sung by our choir.
Meet our Pastor
Rev. John Hilley
John became East Brentwood Presbyterian’s Minister October 2013, returning to pastoral work after years of nonprofit leadership and owning a consulting and software business called Patmos, LLC. He brings a strong skill set and experience in strategic planning, organizational leadership, and stewardship.

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