S3E22 | Seeing Faith

Music, Word, Hope & Prayer Podcast

September 14th, 2022| Duration: 30:02


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Recorded with the anniversary of 9/11 in mind, we explore where we are Seeing Faith, taking us from a Little League baseball diamond to the 2001 World Series and to our own lives as we are looking for where we see faith in action. Seeing faith involves the outsized power of your small acts of kindness.

Episode message: “I believe God is revealing God’s own self to us and that God is revealing God’s own self through us. Our purpose is to be attentive. Our purpose is to be reflective. Our job is to see. Our privilege is to reflect.”

Nate Strasser adds his own arrangement of “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace.” 

Lots of links for you to go deeper:  Little League Playoff Isaiah Jarvis Video clipRay Charles singing America the Beautiful at the 2001 World Series; to financially support this podcastAxios on the outsized power of small acts of kindness; Diana Butler Bass Substack “Bad History”