What to Expect

What is it like to worship at EBPC?

Our services last about an hour and are filled with beautiful music, powerful messages, fascinating guest speakers, and a passion for the Lord.

What to wear?

There is no required attire to worship here at East Brentwood.

On Sundays you will find our community in a wide range of clothing, from suits and ties to jeans and sneakers. 

Where to Enter:

You can enter the church parking lot from either Concord Road or Wilson Pike.

The main double-door entrance is located on the north side of the building.

What to expect at your first visit to EBPC:

Welcome to East Brentwood Presbyterian Church. We’re so excited you are considering joining our church family!

When you step into our sanctuary, you will immediately be welcomed into a loving community that is passionate about sharing the love of God through community friendships, mission and service, and spiritual growth.

Your kids are going to love it!

We know it is hard for little ones to sit still in worship, but at EBPC, we welcome regular opportunities for our full community of believers to join together – even if that means a few wiggles!

We have a fully-staffed Nursery for our youngest children and Sunday School for our elementary children in grades K-5. There is a Time With Children during the worship service for children of all ages. Activity Bags and Children’s Worship Bulletins are available for families to pick-up as they enter the sanctuary.