Station #6: Jesus is Crucified | JOHN 19:1-30
Reader 1: Read John 19:1-30 in your preferred translation.9
Optional: To punctuate the reading, play this sound effect of a man crying starting when verse 17 is read.
Reader 3 (Peter): When you know the world is grieving and you are partly responsible, what words of solace can you offer? When you could have done something— anything—and you did nothing, what then can you do? The earth is shaken, and so am I. But do I deserve to grieve? Have I brought this on myself? Have I brought this on him? On us? I have not earned these tears. I do not deserve this catharsis. But what else can I do?
Congregational Response (Singing then departing in silence)
Hymn “Come Thou Fount” Sing just the third verse.
Reader 2: “Prone to wander, Lord, we feel it, prone to leave the God we love.” Friends, we are more like Peter than we may like to admit. Our Lord has died and we were not there. And so, tonight we grieve with Peter. Our wandering hearts are heavy.
But as you leave this place, remember: your wandering heart is always tethered to the love of God. God’s abundant grace existed for Peter and it exists for you. God’s love will never run out. So go now in peace, trusting that streams of mercy shall find us all. Amen.
All worshipers depart in silence.